Review by Michael Scott Cain/Rambles.NET - "a guitarist of range and skill and power, as well as a strong singer and a pretty good writer", "five songs are not nearly enough. You come away from it wanting more."
Review by Graham Clarke at Blues Bytes - "a skilled guitarist and has a warm Boz Scaggs-like quality to his vocals...only problem with RSVP to Paradise is that there ain’t enough of it"
Review by Bman' Blues Report - "Johnny's In The Dog House, an easy going shuffle track...featuring some real nice harp by Billy Branch...on RSVP To Paradise. Koeppel gets aggressive on guitar with some stinging guitar riffs"
Review by Jacques Périn at Soul Bag (France) - "singer and guitarist inspires. The EP should confirm. We're waiting for him..."
Review by Craig Whittigton/Kansas City Blues News - "very well done. Jim’s guitar isn’t aggressive; this isn’t blues rock...Jim’s licks are tasty and well-placed....This is a CD where you can hear a group of top notch, experienced musicians on a level worthy of a listen."
Review by Brian Harman/Blues in the South UK - "emotion wrenching guitar and piano pairing, wring every emotion as does Jims vocals. "Let Me Tell You", is a splendid rolling and tumbling footapper led by the exciting harmonica playing of Billy Branch, over the top of a pressing piano Jims' vocals and guitar are in overdrive as this short and sweet mover races on. Greatly Endorsed!"